Duty Drawback Expertise
Jay Charkow, President of International Tariff Management, and Jill LaMadeleine, Vice President of International Tariff Management, along with their growing team of Tariff Managers, provide duty drawback, free trade, and classification services to companies involved in international trade. Specifically, ITM helps importers and exporters file for duty drawback refunds or reductions of their duty burdens.
Podcasting since 2020 • 20 episodes
Duty Drawback Expertise
Latest Episodes
Jewelry TV Captures Years of Duty Drawback Refunds Working with ITM
Today we are talking with Paul Goodale, who is the director of procurement for Jewelry Television. Paul, thanks so much for being with us today. First, let's start out with why don't you tell us about jewelry, television and, and your role at J...
Season 3
Episode 10

Classifying Your Imported Products to Maximize Duty Drawback
I am joined by Jay Charkow, who's the president at ITM, and we also have with us todayone of our existing clients, Peter George. Peter's company has worked with us for yearsand we've managed a duty drawback program. But today we're goin...
Season 3
Episode 9

U.S. Dept of Commerce: Trade Talk Tuesday | Customs & Tariff Considerations
I'm Tony Sargis with the U.S. Dept. of Commerce Commercial Service, Connecticut office, and we're holding webinars for manufacturing month in October, we've received a lot of feedback regarding the Trade Talk Tuesday series. You'll note that th...
Season 3
Episode 8

Benefits of Exporting
Joining us today are Tony Sargis from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Joe Raycraft from the U.S. Small Business Administration's Office of International Trade, and Jay Charkow from International Tariff Management. I'd like to ask each of you t...
Season 3
Episode 7